Hi friends,
Oh my heart, it is with the deepest gratitude and wholehearted joy that I open-palm offer you The Soul of the Helper - now available to purchase!!
Yesterday was *filled* with a wild spectrum of emotions and so many of you have been woven into these first couple of tender days with your messages, comments, shares on socials, texts, and more.
Thank you. From the very bottom of my heart, thank you.
I’m hyper aware of the layers of vulnerability woven into this book, knit closely beside much of the research that’s been done, practices I’ve personally leaned into, and the ways I’ve humbly sought to embody these seven stages of seeking the Sacred.
Because of that tender vulnerability, and to the best of my ability, I moved through yesterday with excessive gentleness, centering prayer, connecting with loved ones, and pausing as I could to tune in to what was happening within my inner landscape. The same has been true through this Tuesday, as I prepare for tonight’s celebration + book signing event at Fabled Bookshop.
That said, here were a few highlights from yesterday that I’d *love* to share with you:
IG Live with my dear friend and CXMH cohost, Robert Vore
Some posts and stories shared from endorsers and friends (Courtney Ellis, Aundi Kolber, Melody Moezzi, Kayla Craig, Sarah Robinson, Holly Stallcup, and more!)
CXMH podcast re-released our The Soul of the Helper episode with a new intro, which serendipitously captured when Robert received his copy last week!
My darlin’ daughter, Callie (who you’ll read about in this book!), surprised me by painting a picture of the book yesterday afternoon, completely on her own (this girl LOVES to create!)… For now, I’m holding that little treasure close. I’m so very thankful for her, Oliver, and Cory, who have each generously supported me these last few days and who are each woven into the book’s dedication.
Capturing the gift of yesterday’s sunrise.
Noticing unexpectedly that yesterday marked 2 years + 2 months + 2 days of sobriety for me…. whew. *Of course.*
Getting ready for tonight’s launch event over at Fabled Bookshop!!
Thank you for being a part of this sweet journey, fellow traveler. I will return to my usual monthly newsletters soon, but am grateful for the space you’ve held with me to celebrate this moment of The Soul of the Helper finally making its way into your hands, one fellow helper at a time.
Join me in celebrating this book’s release!
One of the sections in this book is entitled “Receiving support from others” (yup, helpers need help, too!). In honor of that section, I’d be so grateful for your help in getting the word out and celebrating with me this week! 🥳 Here are a few easy ways:
Pick up a copy for you and a loved one!
(Orders made this week reeeeally matter in the launch’s overall success, y’all!)
• Templeton Press’s warehouse was just restocked (get your copy with a 40% discount!!)
• Amazon should be stocked soon!! (Thanks for your patience as COVID + shipping delays + weather issues all had a weird domino effect on retail orders.)
• You can also order the Kindle version and access it immediately, or purchase it wherever you buy your books!
Access your Companion Guide!
I’ve decided to keep the Companion Guide’s access link up a bit longer since there have been some delays with shipped and just because… we could all use an extra window of grace now and then to catch our breath. Be sure to access the Companion Guide, which includes a couple of playlists of music I listened to while writing this book (my favorite part of the giveaway!), facilitator guide, recommended reading list, poster printout, and more.
Tell your friends + colleagues about it!
To make it super easy, feel free to tag loved ones in the release date post on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter! And if you have a newsletter or podcast, please help spread the word by pointing folks to thesoulofthehelper.com! Your help in getting the word out this week matters so much!
Rate + Review!
You reading the book, offering your time + attention to it, is such an honor to me. If you could, please take about 30-60 seconds to tell others what you thought by rating/reviewing the book on Goodreads + Amazon (or wherever you buy books)! Thank you!!
Celebrate with me using #TheSoulOfTheHelper!!
As the ideas in this book launch into the world and cross paths with so many fellow helpers, I would LOVE to see where and with whom this book finds a home! When your copy arrives, will you snap a photo of the book with you or your view and share it? Tag me at @hollyoxhandler on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and use #TheSoulOfTheHelper in your post so I can see it!
As quiet + contemplative as this process was to write The Soul of the Helper, none of the work we do as authors is completely in isolation. The gratitude section of this book is *LONG* y’all - 7 pages to be exact - and it’s because this book only came to be because of a lot of people along the way.
To Cory, Callie, and Oliver, who this book is dedicated to.
My parents, family, friends, loved ones, therapists, pastors, and more who molded my journey and loved me as I am.
Colleagues, students, research participants, and others whose research + presence both teaches + inspires me.
My agent (Angela Scheff), editor (Seth Haines), and whole publishing team with Templeton Press: Susan Arellano, Dan Reilly, Trish Vergilio, and Rachel Brewer.
The divine spark within me, within you, and within each fellow traveler among us.
And to you, the reader, for who you are and how you show up in the world.
…I am deeply grateful.
To close, may I offer this prayer that echos the seven stages:
May you, fellow traveler, wake up to the SPEED at which you’ve been operating for so long as you’ve served others in a million ways. May you find the courage to SLOW down and the supports that help STEADY your whole being. May you breathe into a practice of being STILL so that you can SEE the Sacred within you. And from that place of deeply knowing you are Beloved, may you SHIFT with wholehearted compassion to SERVE the Sacred within you and those around you with the unique divine spark in you.
Be well, friends. Breathe deep and remember how truly loved you are as you are in this moment.
ps. Usually comments are only open to those who are paying subscribers. (Thank you so so so much to those of you who are supporting this newsletter! Your generosity is a gift and means so much to me!)
For this one post, I’m opening up the comments for anyone to chime in, share when when your copy arrives, or ask any questions!! Related, we’re going to do a Q&A episode on CXMH in the coming weeks - if you have a question as you read this book that you’d like me to answer on that episode, please feel free to add that below too!